Iodysseus en

Studying, understanding, educating and protecting,
An innovative tool serving the ocean

A twenty-first century odyssey

Iodysseus is recognised by the United Nations as an Ocean Sciences Programme for Sustainable Development.

 100% Science & Sport

The United Nations has proclaimed a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). Iodysséus equips ocean racing sailboats specialized in marine aerosol capture and scientific mediation.

to study plankton blooms, a unique natural phenomenon

April—June 2019 | Mission accomplished!

Sailing journey: Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean.

The Bay of Biscay borders the south coast of Brittany, the west coast of France, and the north coast of Spain. It is famous for its harsh sailing conditions.

20 to 24 April

Plankton bloom tracking done by immersion of two Euro Argo profilers

Calibration of onboard bio-chemical sensors

13 to 21 May

Sailing to the zone of plankton growth zone approximated with satellite images

Precise mapping of 1000km² area located at the centre of the bloom

30 May to Mid-June

Marine aerosol sampling above ocean surface at the centre the bloom to study plankton's impact on climate

Mapping of a large area spanning from the Brittany coast to the Northwest, up to the Celtic Sea)

Recovery of two Argo floats at sea


Follow Iodysséus news and learn more about the secrets of plankton!

Ocean racing

A high-performance racing trimaran — breaking international records, participating in events and races.

Research & Development

Outfitting the trimaran with plankton-observing atmospheric sensors able to deliver a huge amount of data on the biology of marine aerosols. Key to the understanding of their effects on climate and life on Earth.

Societal outcomes

Energy, climate, health, nutrition: the Iodysséus programme meets key expectations in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Planktonic aerosols , a challenge for the 21st century

Plankton as a source of life

of the ocean’s biosphere

The planktonic ecosystem is at the origin of the marine food chain and climate.

of the oxygen we breathe

Low estimate model

● A bio-resource option for the future

A major factor in climate regulation


billion organisms per litre of seawater


million tonnes of carbon each year absorbed up

Plankton in marine aerosols

An obscure influence in the oceanic carbon cycle

A molecular deposit of interest for tomorrow's bio-resources

An essential parameter unaccounted for in climate prediction models

A field of study headed up by NASA, Weizmann Institute, University of Maine, CNRS, and others...

An accelerator of colonization phenomena in new environments

A biological world existing both above and below the ocean’s surface

How boat racing can advance scientific research ?


Sailing is the only means of propulsion allowing for the collection of aerosol samples free from fossil fuel pollution


The ocean racing fleet, already funded and ready to launch, represents a substantial auxiliary scientific fleet while keeping costs down


Ocean racing totals three million km sailed every year, in very remote areas of the globe


The fastest racing prototypes sail at wind speed, and thus are able to follow atmospheric systems carrying planktonic aerosols


With media coverage reaching an audience of 10 million people, ocean racing is a powerful means of raising awareness of worldwide issues


For skippers, sailors, and sea lovers alike, the ocean is much more than a playground. The Iodysséus programme is the proof

IODYSSÉUS, a worldwide tour to the sources of life

The goal of Iodysséus is to understand the dynamics of a worldwide ecosystem:

Plankton has an essential yet obscure role in our climate, and thus is not included in current prediction models.

Our trimaran, outfitted with marine aerosol sensors, will be able to:




Project Kick-off


Proof of concept

Final prototype


Races / new sampling tools release

2021 ...

New sampling tools

The Iodysséus team

The Crew

An entrepreneur, a lawyer, an expert in new technologies, a teacher, a marketer, a sponsorship specialist, a doctor, a skipper: all are part of the team that founded the Iodysséus project. They share a common belief: the ocean may be the world’s greatest playground, but it is so much more. This is the Iodysséus concept – 100% Sport & Science – and they intend to share it with the world.

The Scientific Committee

Counting a biologist, an oceanographer, a physicist, a climatologist, a teacher, a researcher, and biotech company founders among its members, the committee brings together a wide range of skills, able to align our expedition programs with scientific needs. Fundamental and applied sciences are teaming up within the same consortium to simultaneously leverage knowledge and marine bioresources applications.

And you!

Your donations are essential for the success of this adventure.

Support scientific research by contributing to the Iodysséus programme

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